06 July 2012

Cream of Rice

I happened upon this super yummy breakfast completely by accident while making rice milk.  It is really good and super easy.  This recipe makes plenty and then a bit for my family, so adjust to your liking.

Cream of Rice

7 1/2 cups water
1 cup rice flour ( I ground this in my wheat grinder)
2 Tb vanilla or other flavor of choice
1/2 to 3/4 cup sugar (how sweet do you like it?)
Blended fruit (optional)

Boil 6 cups of water.  Mix 1.5 cups water, rice, vanilla, and sugar.  Add to boiling water.  (Turn heat down before adding rice, it likes to pop all over and burn you).  Stir until thickened to desired consistency.  Remove from heat and add fruit.  Enjoy. 


Lynne said...

Maybe you would like it with a little cinnamon.

Heather said...

Absolutely. All sorts of possibilities.